We need your opinion on future transportation needs. Thank you for participating!

Please participate in the 4 steps below to provide us with feedback for our transportation planning efforts!

Please fill out questions that feel relevant to you.

Step 1: Tell us about yourself!

Answer 6 short questions in the tabs below to tell us about yourself.

Question #1

Question #2

Question #3

Question #4

Question #5

Question #6


Step 2: Where are your concerns?


Step 3: Tell us about your transportation system!

Use the tabs below to tell us about your transportation system.

Tell us how much you agree with each statement from 1 to 5 stars. With 1 star being "strongly disagree" and 5 stars being "strongly agree".





Aviation & Rail


Step 4: Evaluate the goals used for transportation planning!

Below are the proposed list of goals and objectives for planning in the Gaston - Cleveland - Lincoln area. These are used throughout transportation planning studies to ensure future projects align with the region's priorities.

Please provide feedback if you agree/disagree or have any comments on these. These questions are optional. Feel free to provide feedback on what is important to you.

We will only be receiving feedback on this section (Step 4) until March 2nd, 2025.

Goal #1

1. Provide a safe, reliable, and resilient transportation system for the movement of people and goods by multiple modes while promoting innovative, cost-effective solutions to address concerns.

a) Identify resources to preserve existing transportation systems and assets.

b) Designate resources to address known or potential high-crash areas for highway, transit, and non-motorized modes.

c) Support efforts and affordable projects to increase walking, bicycling, multi-modal, and transit use in order to reduce the number of vehicles traveling at high speeds.

d) Improve transportation security and the system’s resiliency by developing an interconnected network that offers multiple routes and modes of travel.

e) Support the development and application of new technologies in the pursuit of safety, reliability, and resilience.

Do you agree with Goal 1?

Goal #2

2. Enhance economic vitality and global competitiveness of the region (counties, cities, towns, and communities).

a) Support strategies and projects that promote efficient travel and transportation systems for both people and freight.

b) Enhance travel and tourism by creating great destinations through investments in bicycle and pedestrian networks, wayfinding, and environments, as well as facilitating regional and interstate connections for other modes.

c) Support the use of efficient new technologies.

Goal #3

3. Provide and protect access and mobility for people and freight through coordinated planning and growth management.

a) Integrate transportation planning with growth, land use, and

economic development patterns to encourage effective trip

distribution to modes and networks.

b) Plan and promote intermodal connectivity for people and for freight.

c) Support innovations that equitably reduce barriers to access and mobility.

Goal #4

4. Enhance quality of life, protect the natural environment, and support the physical and mental health of communities.

a) Support integration of transportation planning with land use planning to reduce pollution, reduce stormwater impacts, conserve energy, preserve resources, and increase access to healthy lifestyle choices.

b) Support projects and initiatives that reduce the need to travel using the single- occupancy vehicle, including options for transit modes, micro mobility, and physically active modes, such as walking and bicycling.

c) Promote projects and services that are sensitive to the context of the built and natural environment to increase access to everyday destinations.

Goal #5

5. Carry out transportation planning efforts and project development that promote equitable processes and outcomes for diverse groups, including economically disadvantaged, minority, elderly, and disabled populations.

a) Develop opportunities to provide the underserved populations with convenient transportation to employment, education, healthcare, fresh food options, and other essential services.

b) Engage and educate residents who have not been reached by the traditional transportation planning processes.

c) Identify transportation projects in environmental justice communities.

d) Ensure that all people have access to affordable, multimodal transportation choices that meet their daily needs.

Goal #6

6. Engage in regional and statewide collaboration in support of all other goals.

a) Identify opportunities to develop joint goals and policies with other MPOs in the region and increase data sharing and coordination.

b) Participate in transportation-related planning efforts initiated by other agencies and organizations throughout the local, regional, and statewide jurisdictions (plans, initiatives, studies, etc.).

c) Lead and partner on planning efforts that cross multiple jurisdictions within GCLMPO’s planning area.

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide your insight!